Monday, January 21, 2008

A New Family Member!

Oliver (nickname Ollie) has been with us for just over a week now and we could not have asked for a better pet! If you can call a dog almost perfect, he is. First and foremost HE DOES NOT SHED!!!!! That was my number one qualification for a dog and since he is a cockapoo he fit the bill. But beyond that, he is three years old, completely housebroken, does not chew on anything but food, loves to play but isn't hyper, loves to just relax most of the time, does not make any move that would make us think that he might be getting aggravated at Carlie or Brock right in his face, loves other dogs and even cats, rarely barks, knows how to shake, and he's really cute too! We bought him for $100 from a family that had to move from one apartment to another and couldn't afford the fees to keep a dog. Plus the lady felt bad that he didn't have much room to roam and they were gone a lot. She originally bought him from a breeder.

So, Ollie has very firmly become a part of the family now and we are really enjoying him. Needless to say, his life is a little busier than it used to be but he seems to be having a lot of fun. He has become my shadow since I am home most of the time with him but I don't mind because he is so good. Carlie sure enjoys having a furry friend to play with during the day.