Wednesday, June 4, 2008

More pictures from our Canada trip.

Here are a few more pictures (in no particular order) from Niagara Falls and Toronto. I'm especially partial to the "rainbow" ones since it appeared right as we were walking back to our car to leave. It was a splendid display of God's promise to never flood the earth again! None of us had ever seen the beginning AND end of a rainbow and we felt especially privileged to witness it. It was so sunny and the heavy mist from the Falls was raining down on me as I was taking the picture so I really couldn't even see what I was doing...I just hoped for the best.

Will you get tired of seeing our Indiana sweatshirts?? Probably! Oh well...they were the perfect attire for the weather that day.

This is the CN Tower in Toronto.

The last two pictures were taken at the Toronto Zoo. We went with a friend and her two little girls, Zoe and Ava. We were also able to go to the Ontario Science Center which was great. Riding the subway and then a bus to get to the Science Center was half the fun!

While we were in Canada, Paul and I celebrated our 17th wedding anniversary! This particular academic conference is ALWAYS over our anniversary but at least we were on vacation! (I must confess that without cell phone service, no kitchen calendar to remind us, and the usual losing track of time on vacation...neither one of us remembered it was our anniversary until Mom Pedersen sent an ecard that morning!) We got a good laugh out of it anyway!