Thursday, August 21, 2008

Life in the fast lane

I'm really not sure what inspired me to write this goofy blog...maybe it's just really late and I'm in zombie mode and don't really know what I'm doing. I'm waiting on a load of laundry so my clean sheets can go back on the bed...why am I doing them this late? They came off the bed a lot earlier in the day but as you will see...I got a little side tracked and the job just never got done. My day doesn't usually look like this although it has been a little nutty lately. Today was just a lot worse than usual and I think it's rather hilarious how it all went. Only those closest to me will really care about this and even then that's questionable. Oh well, this is more interesting than folding clothes. I know some of you will think that this is nothing compared to your day...believe me, I'm not deceived into thinking that my day is harder than anyone else's and I certainly didn't do anything to change the world. It was actually quite fun since there was nothing difficult or painful. Here's how it went...I should have known it was going to be a doozy when the first thing happened at 5:00am.

5:05 - Carlie wakes me up for a drink of milk....have no idea why the early morning for her, she's wide awake it seems so I set her up with PBS Sprout or something like that and crawl back in bed...(thank you, thank you, I know I deserve an award for my mothering skills!)
5:55 - Alarm goes off, make sure Hallie is up and getting ready for cross country
- Pack sack breakfast and sack lunch...make sure her change of clothes is ready
6:20 - Leave for the middle school (this is my first time, Paul usually does it)
7:00 - Reset the alarm and crawl back in bed
8:00 - Alarm goes off...wake the boys up, get their lunches ready, etc.
8:35 - The boys are off to school...Paul takes them. Put Carlie back to bed.
9:00 - Fix Paul breakfast (I very rarely do this!), lay down on the couch, read for a few minutes, chat with Paul...
10:00 - Out like a light!! I couldn't keep my eyes open if you paid me...I didn't go to bed on time last night!
11:00 - Carlie is up, fix her some food, get her dressed, do some clean-up, take my shower and get ready for the day...HA!
12:00 - Help Paul get his stuff together for a two day trip to Urbana, IL with his publishing company.
12:30 - Since the van is getting a new starter, drive Paul to the golf course where the sport management department is having their inaugural golf tournament that Paul set up.
1:00 - Carlie and I run to Wal-Mart and buy everything on my list and then some...had to hurry because...
2:30 - Pick up Hallie from middle school, then we went back inside the school to figure out why her P.E. locker is giving her such fits...figured it out, then drop Carlie and Hallie off at home.
3:15 - drive to the elementary school to pick up Zack and Brock, bring them home.
3:45 - drive Zack to the golf course because he really wants to hang out with his dad and ride in the golf cart.
4:10-4:30 - park the car halfway between home and the auto mechanic, walk about five blocks, pay for the new starter, drive the van home, I ride the bike while Hallie rides the scooter to where I parked Paul's car, put the scooter in the car and Hallie rides the bike home, drive the car home.
4:45 - Hallie, Carlie, Brock and I leave the house to drive to the golf course so we can take Paul to Enterprise so he can pick up his car for the trip and so we can say good-bye to him.
5:30 - take Paul to Enterprise, get the car, follow him back to the golf course so we can pick up Zack, hang out for a few minutes to see who won and say our good-byes.
6:30 - drive Hallie to our church so she can attend the junior high beginning-of-the-year cookout and get-to-know-you time.
6:55 - drive a few blocks to the mall so the rest of us can eat at Chick-Fil-A for supper (I know, I know, another award for a home-cooked meal). Peek in a couple stores. Pick up my free 2 oz. lotion from Bath & Body Works.
8:00 - pick Hallie up from church, head for home
8:15-8:40 - supervise the bedtime routine for the three youngest including showers, reading time, etc.
8:40-9:15 - make sure Hallie has everything she needs for tomorrow, help her with one math question, off to bed she goes. (By the way, she absolutely loves running for the cross country team and they have their first meet this Saturday. She said this morning's run was challening but "it felt really good." Is she crazy? They will switch to afternoon practice times in a couple weeks so this early morning stuff won't be quite as bad! I'm counting the days!)
9:15 till now (12:30am)- put all the Wal-Mart stuff away that was still sitting in bags on the counter, clean up the kitchen, do two loads of laundry, talk to Paul four times since there was a mix-up with his hotel room and he didn't have the right phone number for his host (problem resolved), take out the trash and recycling, yawn a lot, write this crazy email....
From now and for the next hour - put the next load of wash in the dryer, probably eat another snack (Chick-Fil-A was a long time ago) and then spend a good hour in devotions (as my cute husband would say).
Then, start the whole thing over again at 5:55 this you see another late morning nap in my future? I sure do. Tomorrow will be much quieter with just Carlie and me here and Paul is out of town. It will be a "quiet" day from 9-2:30 and then the craziness starts again...not as crazy, though.

OK...that's enough babbling on for me...I don't even have a picture to add since I'm on the laptop. I know, I know...not even worth your time without a picture of some sort...sorry! I'll do better next time.