There was no kicking and screaming this morning as we left summer behind but I think it's because we are all shell-shocked that it's already time to head back to school! Thankfully, it's an exciting time and some new shoes and school supplies help the situation :-) How did we get by with only one new backpack this year?? I'm not complaining, that's for sure. I guess one thing that really helps us out is that Hallie has already been playing high school golf tournaments for the past two weeks and Zack has been in football training all summer (when we weren't out of town). However, when the alarm goes off every morning this week, reality will set in! :-)
Opening activities are happening at the university starting today too but Paul's classes don't start for another week yet. Maybe we'll have to get him a new lunchbox to make him feel better :-)
Hallie - Junior
Hallie's junior year will be challenging but she's excited about it....her classes are AP US History, HD Physics, AP Calculus, AP Language and Composition, Spanish V, Finite Math, and yearbook! It's probably a good thing that the golf season only goes through the month of September :-) |
Zack - Freshman
Zack is definitely ready for high school. Being involved with the football team has definitely gotten his foot "in the door" and it doesn't hurt to have an older sister there, too :-) His classes are HD English, Spanish II, PE, Biology, Algebra I, Computer Graphics, and HD Geography/History. All his freshman football games are on Saturday mornings so he realized the other day that he won't get to sleep in ANY day for the next 9 weeks!! |
Brock - 5th Grade
After having the same teacher for the past two years because of a multi-age classroom, Brock was anxious to see who his new teacher would be. We are all grateful that it is another male teacher who is a good friend and a great role model. Plus, it doesn't hurt to have almost every single one of his classmates from last year! |
Carlie - 2nd Grade
Thanks to our wonderful multi-age/looping teachers, Carlie is in the same classroom as last year with the same lovely teacher! We couldn't be happier and are so thankful for all the wonderful educators that are back this year because they love children!! |
Of course, the littlest one gets an extra picture! |
What a difference transportation is this year! Hallie can drive herself and Zack to the highschool and since we don't have any one in middle school this year, I only have to run the younger ones to elementary school an hour later!! Wow!! That will definitely save some gas and some time! Paul and I got a good laugh, though, because the bumper on Hallie's van fell off while Paul was "borrowing" it to drive to Chicago this weekend. Don't worry, it's in the back of the van and we'll have someone fix it soon. Sorry, Hallie!! :-)
I hope everyone has a great 2012-2013 school year!! |