Monday, February 25, 2008

Album #1 from July 2007

Amidst all the sniffling and coughing going on around here I thought we would revisit last summer again. I'm working my way through the July 2007 photos and I had no idea there were so many. I had also forgotten what fun activities and great memories we made during that month. We were also much more tan!! We'll start out with an album that includes a few pictures from the 4th of July and then the rest are from a trip to Cincinnati that Paul took the kids on. Thanks to a great hotel from priceline and some gorgeous weather, they all had a great time. Hallie, Zack, Brock and Carlie know that when they go on a trip with dad, there is GOING to be fun! (i.e. jumping on the hotel beds WITH shoes on!) You're allowed to do that right??!! Click here for the link to the photos.