Monday, February 25, 2008

Album #2 - July 2007

Here's the rest of July 2007 in pictures. We were excited to have Mom Pedersen visit from Florida and while she was here we were able to have Grandma Smith visit and also Michelle, Patrick, and Miranda from Michigan. We hit the annual Bubblefest, some parks, Nashville, IN, Amish country south of us and we also celebrated Mom's 60th birthday! We had a great time about a repeat this summer??

A week after that Paul left for China and the kids and I headed over to Philip and Margaret's in Virginia. More fun with cousins, swimming at the lake, etc. Even with all those kids in one house, I got to read a couple books! The day after we got home, Paul arrived from China. It was fantastic to be back together as a family again. Click on this shutterfly link to see the photos.