Tuesday, March 4, 2008

A few things going on around here...

Don't worry, this post will include current photos/info, not pictures from last summer! My "picture mess," that has been invading my dining room table for a few weeks now, is coming along great and I'm so excited to see light at the end of the tunnel. Who knew that you could actually be about five years behind on photos and eventually get caught up??!! It has been a major undertaking, using some pictures for baby books x4, some for school scrapbooks x3, a "first year" photo album for Carlie, and then the regular family photo albums. Plus, there were pictures that had been pulled out of photo frames and extras from here there and everywhere. OK, enough about that. I've got to get the rest finished in the next day or two since we have a professor friend from Miami coming this week and also Dad and Mom Estes arrive on Friday for a few days' stay. I hope all three of them are ready for some coooooold weather! On Friday night it will be a Real Feel temperature of -1 degrees!! We enjoyed 60ish degree weather for Sunday and Monday but now it is just cold and rain, rain, rain. Our yard is looking swampy! Here is Carlie singing Row, Row, Row your boat...

Here is Brock's new look...the bottom tooth was first out last week and then the top tooth came out this week (with help from Dad, of course). I have a feeling he'll be sporting this look for quite some time since the other top tooth isn't all that loose yet. The size of that top tooth wasn't very "babyish!"

Hallie and Zack both finished their Upwards Basketball seasons on Saturday. Both teams won their game so that was a fun way to end it. Hallie scored 12 of her team's 14 points and Zack scored 6 for his team. The newest Family Fun magazine had a great snack idea so I had to try it out. I didn't go hunting for chocolate basketballs so that element got skipped. Also, they don't really stand up all that great so we went with the laying down look.

That's our little update for now. Hope everyone is having a great week.