Thursday, April 24, 2008

Mommy Gone For A Week!

Last week was definitely an interesting one in our lives with me being gone for seven whole days (OK, I was home for 10 hours part way through)! I don't know that I've ever been away from the kids that long...EVER! Korea in February 2006 would have come close but even that wasn't seven days. Anyway, from early Sunday morning to late Tuesday night I was in Florida for Grandma's funeral. Then about 9:30 Tuesday morning to Sunday afternoon I was in Memphis at a conference with Paul. We didn't plan on both things happening in the same week but that's the way it went.

Paul did a fantastic job, as usual, taking care of the kids while I was in Florida. It was party central with Daddy in charge and Hallie, Zack, Brock, and Carlie made the most of their free time, without bossy Mom around :-) I laid out their clothes for the three days and left a little extra food in the fridge, but other than that they were on their own. Paul is unintimidated and has no problem stepping in to take over and he does a wonderful job with all four.

Meanwhile, "Aunt" Liz had already planned on being here the rest of the week since I was going to be in Memphis with Paul. We were able to fly back from Florida within 20 minutes of each other on different airlines. The kids had taken a nap so they could stay up late to see us arrive and of course they seemed bigger and older to me just in three short days! After they went back to bed, I did some re-packing so that Paul and I could head out in the morning.

Then, after getting the kids off to school in the morning, Paul and I were out the door to Memphis. It was amazing to be able to just walk away from everything knowing that Liz had it completely under control and the kids were absolutely thrilled that Aunt Liz would be in charge for the rest of the week. Because Liz has been to Bloomington before, and because she knows our children so well, I didn't even have to leave any written instructions, or any directions, and there were maybe two phone calls the whole time asking a question. I wish everyone had the chance for an Aunt Liz!! Memphis was so relaxing for me mainly because I knew that the children were having a blast with Liz and I knew that she truly enjoyed spending time with them. What a blessing! I was able to shop, shop, shop (I had been saving up for quite awhile knowing that my opportunity was coming), while Paul was at the conference. Then we were able to have several date nights in a row...WOW! Times like that are definitely needed every once in awhile for parents! Thanks a million, Liz, for giving us the opportunity. We miss you!

Click this SHUTTERFLY LINK to see just a few more pictures.

Liz had to leave Monday morning and since then I have had to do a few things to catch up on a week's absence. Twelve loads of laundry and counting...I'm not done yet! It was totally worth it though and I don't even mind because I love my "job" and it's wonderful to be back in our little routine again. The weather when I left for Florida last Sunday was in the mid-30's and now we are staying in the upper 70's and low 80's...Spring has finally sprung!