Wednesday, May 7, 2008


After eight long months and many levels of evaluation, we received final word last Friday that Paul was granted tenure here at Indiana University! This entire academic process started back in 1988 when during the second semester of Paul's freshman year he received the award of "Most Improved GPA!" It's been a wild uphill ride ever since.

There is so much to be said about this entire 20 year process but guess what, I'm not going to say it! (or not much of it anyway) It's so difficult to explain in just a little blog entry but I can say this, Paul absolutely loves what he does, I absolutely love what he does, he works hard because he doesn't know how to do it any other way, and he does it all so that he can take care of his family for the long haul. Tenure gives him the ability to close that chapter of his academic life and open up a whole new chapter where he will enjoy his job even more.

Paul has gone through a whole range of emotions since receiving final word on tenure...all I can say is WATCH OUT if you're going to be with him this summer...he is feeling pretty perky and we all know that things can get a little crazy (crazier) when that happens. Another thing that was really nice last Friday is Paul finished writing his portion of another textbook of which he is co-author. So even though he's already teaching a class during Summer I and will teach an on-line course in Summer II...we plan on having the most "normal" summer that we've had in a VERY long time!

OK...let's move on to the pictures now before I start going into the details that I promised I would spare you from. I'll try to let the pictures speak for the journey instead (remember, you can click on the pictures to make them larger).

This is where it all started. There were a bunch of crazy people graduating that year! This was only a week after Paul and I got married...we had just gotten back from our honeymoon! Associate of Arts degree.

Next we have a Bachelor's Degree from Palm Beach Atlantic University.

Next is a degree from Emerson College in Boston. This is the only graduation we didn't attend. We had already moved back to Florida by this time.

On to University of Central Florida for another Masters in another field of we see "professional student" happening here? (I was pregnant with Zack)

Florida State University, the final degree...a PhD! Dr. Paul M. Pedersen! We had a lot of fun celebrating with the family and friends that were able to come to Tallahassee that day.

Paul's first semester after graduation he stayed right at FSU and taught the Spring semester. Then we got a job at Bowling Green State University for that Fall and moved to begin our first official job!! (We enjoyed being only two hours away from Dad and Mom Estes)

Our next job was back in Florida at Paul's alma mater where he started PBA's Sport Management program. We had a great time being near all our family and friends again, but after two years we moved to...

Indiana University! And this is where we will be the most settled in EVER! Paul and I will celebrate our 17th wedding anniversary at the end of this month and we are living in our tenth home! Can we help it?? We both come from families who did that all our's in our blood....until now??!!?!?!

Just a few short years ago Paul was getting "hooded" and now he gets to hood his own doctoral students. These pictures are from last Saturday when he hooded his second and third students (Dr. Andrea Eagleman and Dr. Galen Clavio). Andrea will be a professor at Saint Mary's University in California and Galen is at the University of Miami. This is one of his favorite parts...helping the doctoral students figure out their careers and then guide them in getting a job.

Remember this crazy stack of stuff?? The tenure dossier that resulted in...TENURE!

Hallie, Zack, Brock, and Carlie have hung right in there with us and they are very proud of their Dad!! Don't even get me started on what I think of this man...he is unbelievable and if I say any more than that the tears will start to fall! Seriously!

I hope you haven't minded my little walk down memory lane and I hope you don't mind us sharing the good news. What it means for all of you you know where we will be so plan a visit our way and let us show you around our town. We'd love to have you visit!