Monday, July 28, 2008

2008 Florida Family Vacation

Four full weeks of hanging out with relatives...are we crazy?? One week in Virginia and three weeks in Florida...we had a wonderful time seeing all members of both sides of our immediate families except for the four Acres in Michigan (where were you guys??). The three weeks in Florida would not have been possible without the generosity of my wonderful sister, Liz, who allowed us to stay in her spacious two-story townhouse for the entire time. It was the perfect set-up because there was room enough for us to entertain friends and family ourselves, plus we had access to her pool, plus she was able to stay with us and we didn't feel guilty for kicking her out of her own house. THANK YOU, LIZ!!! It was a very busy vacation trying to spend as much time with everyone as we could but it was a great way to spend our July.

Just click on this SHUTTERFLY ALBUM LINK to see all the pictures. I put captions on a lot of the pictures so if you watch the small slideshow you will see them. WARNING: you will see many pictures of "penny on the dominoes"...thanks to the Huff family we are officially hooked and it's a game that anyone age 5 and up can enjoy. You will also see quite a few pictures that are less than professional quality. I think my batteries may have been low or something because I'm not real thrilled with some of them. As usual, I'm sad about missing a few picture opportunities like, the four children with each set of grandparents, or ANY pictures of the four children together at the ocean, or the four children with Aunt Liz (we'll remedy that when she arrives here in Indiana next week for six days!), and a few others. Oh well, we were too busy having fun. Thanks to all our Florida family and friends for spending time with us! Now it's your turn for a visit!