Friday, July 25, 2008

Happy Birthday, Mom and Grandma!

Today we want to say Happy Birthday to a special person who is our mom, mom-in-law, and grandma. To most people she is known as Candy....speaking of which, Carlie always knows she can find special candy treats in Grandma's purse....speaking of which, it will always be a Coach purse...speaking of which, she also has Coach shoes....speaking of which she has A WHOLE LOT OF SHOES that I love to bug her about. Oh, if only we wore the same size!!!

(I saw this interesting shoe wheel on the web...Mom would need SEVERAL of these!)

But more than Coach purses or shoes, she LOVES her family!! We just enjoyed three weeks of special times together and we know Mom is counting down the days until the next family get-together.

Mom is 61 years young today and we are wishing her a very, very, Happy Birthday with many more to come.

P.S. Check out Donna's blog (listed on the right) for another birthday tribute to Mom.
P.P.S. Check out that "light orange" key lime pie in the picture above. It's a special kind. (Sorry, Mom, I couldn't resist!) I was told by others that it was delicious anyway!