Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Pictures from Virginia (only 200+)

If you care to browse through our Virginia vacation photos you can click HERE to see them. There are a lot of pictures but each one has a memory for those of us involved so it was hard to delete any. There are some incriminating photos of Dr. Paul M. Pedersen but I love that he's willing to just have a good time and let others laugh at his expense! I didn't take the time to caption any of the pictures...just email me with questions!

Thanks to Philip and Margaret for allowing us to use their home as vacation central this year. As a family we decided to save some money and not rent a vacation home...gas is expensive enough! We had a great time and the scenery in Virginia is amazing. We found the most obscure swimming hole in all of Virginia and it was quite the hike to get there...but the laughs on the way there and the scenery all around us made it all worth it.

It was definitely a great way to start off our vacation...relaxing, uncomplicated (or as much as can be with 9 grandkids, 12 and under!), and spent with family. Now we are in the sunny south which actually has been quite un-sunny so far. We're hoping for some improvement in the weather very soon but no matter what we'll enjoy the time spent with more family members and close friends.