Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Another name for Kleenex

When we were in the car yesterday, Carlie asked me, "Mommy, why do you have those bless-yous in the car?" It took us a minute or two to figure out what she was talking about but finally we figured out it was the box of kleenex. I guess between the word "tissues" and all the "bless yous" when someone sneezes....she thought that's what they were called!

The outfit above is courtesy of the following people....sunglasses from Grandma Pedersen, shirt and purse from Aunt Liz, gauchos from Grandma Estes, and black flip-flops from mommy. Bringing her back home and away from all her spoiling relatives has been a little jolt of reality but Carlie is adjusting OK so far. I must say she did feel pretty much in charge of the world down there!

P.S. I have promised my dear niece that I would post the Florida vacation photos just as soon as her uncle brings the laptop home from school. It will be fun to "relive" all our great memories of the three weeks we spent with everyone in Hobe Sound/Stuart. I must say, though, that we are thoroughly enjoying our upper-70's weather right now and I knew we were home in Bloomington when I looked out the window the day after we got back and a doe and her two spotted fawns were walking right in our yard! An incredible sight!