The "Class of 2023" had a cute program and Carlie thoroughly enjoyed being on stage and performing her songs for us. We are thankful that she had such a good year and that she's already looking forward to first grade.
I love that moment when Carlie spotted us in the audience and we got the little wave :-)

Carlie receiving her little certificate from our current assistant principal but new principal for next year!
Carlie decided to wear a vintage dress (circa 2001 :-) that belonged to her sister, oh so many years ago!! I believe the dress was handmade by S.Estes Designs. I found a picture of Hallie modeling the dress ten years ago!
Earlier last week Hallie was honored at an Honors Night at her high school. Her grade point average earned her special recognition along with her "excellence in art". Great job, Hallie!!
Just last night, Zack was inducted into the National Junior Honor Society at his middle school. We are very proud of you, Zack!! Great job!

(Zack has a mouthful of cookies :-)

Just because there isn't any special occasion for Brock's 3rd grade right now, I hate to leave him out of this blog. Since the theme of this post is "school-related" I'll just say that Brock is a very good student and works hard to maintain great grades. We're so proud of him too!

Even though school is going well for all of them, we're looking forward to the end of the year in just a few days. Staying up late (since it's light until after 9:30pm) and sleeping in, is first on our agenda!! After that we still have a lot of baseball and golf to be played and then one big trip planned so far. If these hot temperatures hold steady we'll be spending a lot of time in the water too!! We hope everyone has a terrific summer!!